If you want to upload your own custom image to leverage your individual setup for your tasks, you have the option to do so using our object storage. This article will guide you through the process.

Step 1: Set Up Your Object Storage Bucket

If you don't already have a bucket or URL to upload your image to, use our object storage to create a bucket. In the linked article, the process is explained in detail.

Step 2: Upload Your Image To Your Bucket

To upload your image you can use one of the following methods:

The choice of method does not matter. In every case you will end up with a URL from which you can access your image, which is all you need to create a snapshot using our API.

Step 3: Create A Snapshot Using Our API

Your instance will be created using a snapshot. To create the snapshot you can provide the URL as option in the API command.

POST /compute/v1/snapshots (HTTP 201 - Created)

For details refer to the Snapshot section in our API documentation.

Step 4: Create Your Instance from the Snapshot

All that is left is to do from here is to access your Genesis Cloud account and when creating a new instance under "Image" to select "Snapshot" and your desired snapshot. You're good to go!